Autumn,… my favorite season. The nostaliga is heavy, and at the same time enlightening, calling me back to a better place, back beyond the veil of this life.
Here is a gallery of recent fall photos, along with some of my favorite quotes on the nostalgic mood, the mood that can lead us within.

Soon the child’s clear eye is clouded over by ideas and opinions, preconceptions and abstractions. Simple free being becomes encrusted with the burdensome armor of the ego. Not until years later does an instinct come that a vital sense of mystery has been withdrawn. The sun glints through the pines, and the heart is pierced in a moment of beauty and strange pain, like a memory of paradise. After that day . . . we become seekers. –Peter Matthiessen

Richard Rose said nostalgia was the language of the soul. Language is for communication, so what is the communication of nostalgia? Eternality and Love.

The passing now makes time, the standing now makes eternity. – Boethius

There’s a message being piped into the mind from its source, and that message is the cause of the deepest inspiration. It’s the voice of nostalgia, calling us home. Home is not a place, but it’s where we came from … and actually have never left. The “return” pull is really a call to awaken to our true state of being. Sometimes a book or a person triggers an inspiration. At other times there’s no discernible catalyst, with the inspiration seeming to come out of nowhere. In any case, when it penetrates down to our deepest longing, it motivates action toward returning to—really recognition of—our changeless state of being. -Art Ticknor

When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence. ~ Ansel Adams

I maintain that the nostalgic mood becomes the language of the soul. It is the inner man trying to get through the earth-man’s paradigm, to communicate with him. – Richard Rose

Nostalgia, intuition, and love form a string of longing, which leads us back beyond mind and death to our home in simple awareness. In retreating from duality and complexity, we travel back up the longing string and begin to “go within,” finding our road home. – Bob Fergeson

Man remains a mystery to himself. He has a nostalgia for Being, a longing for duration, for permanence, for absoluteness— a longing to be. – Jeanne de Salzmann

Awakening is not quite pleasant. One suffers and also is so very glad. You feel you are at last doing what you wanted, but had forgotten. – Maurice Nicoll

“Dare to be naive.- Buckminster Fuller